
Hard drive showing wrong free space windows 10
Hard drive showing wrong free space windows 10

hard drive showing wrong free space windows 10

So I assume this has something to do with volume corruption? Just removing images would not do anything. I have removed all the volumes within the volumes section and then regenerated the images. I think I kind of pinpointed on how to temp fix it:

  • Provide a driver that could use an external cloud storage volume as the mount point for big data volumes that can be reached from Docker images.
  • Provide altitude warning (% total GB used) and extoll the need to use volumes to carefully expand big data use cases.
  • Allow bi-directional push or pull your full set images and containers to/from cloud storage as opposed to the Docker Hub.
  • hard drive showing wrong free space windows 10

  • Allow the option to save the export up to cloud storage.
  • Allow the option to export the docker-data.vhdx file to a compressed format tar.gz.
  • Describe that the docker image and WSL will shutdown or display commands to run in an Admin Powershell prompt to do the same.
  • vhdx disk size to a user-specified amount.
  • Provide the option to reduce or increase the.
  • Display to a user how much space is used in the UI for volumes, images, etc.
  • I would offer a feature request something like: I think that the same approach can be used to shrink it. I reasoned out how to resize the WSL2 docker-data.vhdx disk size to >256GB, see this gist. ID: IWNC:POO5:TSO4:GIAK:MLHK:C46G:DRJF:IWBM:YSRO:COUL:6TKR:M2ZCĪdditional environment details (AWS, VirtualBox, physical, etc.):

    Hard drive showing wrong free space windows 10